Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To Fill You In

I haven't posted in a while because I have been busy with all the happenings in the Dozier's lives.  A lot has happened since my last post, so here is a quick recap. 

March brought my beloved brother in law home from his deployment to Afghanistan.  We had a great time welcoming him home and watching the excitement on his face when he saw his very pregnant wife's belly for the first time.  Homecomings are so emotional and exciting! 

April 1st brought our newest Dozier boy into the world!  Macen Leland Dozier is an April Fools baby!!  He came just in time so his daddy would have some nice time off to spend with them since he has been gone for so long.  It was great to welcome this sweet little man in to our lives.  It's amazing how quickly they change and grow.  He weighed 5lbs 13oz and was 19 inches long on this birth day, and is now almost two pounds heavier, and growing more and more every day.  He has the cutest little sneeze, and gets hiccups about once a day!  Megan and Mark are great parents and are handling this new journey very well.  Collin, on the other hand, isn't so excited!  It will take him more time to get used to not being the baby anymore.  One day they will be best buds and we won't even be able to tell that he used to sneak up to Macen and smack him when we weren't looking! 

Now we are preparing for another deployment.  John leaves for Afghanistan this week.  I wish he wasn't leaving during exam time, but there is little I can do about that.  I am ready to get this last deployment over with because after this he has a year left and then he is getting out of the Marine Corps.  I am looking forward to never telling him goodbye again!  I am not looking forward to the next seven months.  Collin and I will miss John tremendously.  I will be keeping myself busy by any means necessary. School, house projects, hanging out with my little man, traveling to spend time with family.  Whatever has to be done to occupy my mind.  Please pray for his safety and peace of mind during this deployment.  He will need it! 

So that is that past couple of months in a nut shell.  I will keep everyone posted on the Dozier happenings as much as possible.  Talk to you soon:)

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