Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To Procreate, or Not To Procreate?

It's so hard to decide to have another baby, or not!  Since Macen has been born it has brought up the conversation between me and John, naturally, and we are both indecisive about it.  I honestly can't imagine being pregnant again...EVER!  There is so much to consider...

First, we have to have a bigger house, and to have that, we need to have jobs that will support our new family and the bills.  By the time that happens, Collin will be three or four, and after Collin can talk and poop in the toilet, I'm not sure I will want to go back to getting up every two hours every night and not knowing why the baby is crying.  John and I also have a lot of things we want to do as a couple, and another baby will make those things even MORE difficult.  Would Collin benefit from a sibling?  I just don't know...

It is hard to commit to following through with the decision even though I know once the baby got here, we wouldn't regret it.  Neither of us really want to stop working to stay at home with our children because we like what we get out of working.  I wish there was a computer service where you could put in your life choices, and it would calculate the correct choice for you.  Blah! 

Collin is so cute, it WOULD be a crime to leave him an only child...I just don't know...I guess we will see what God has in store for us since he is the computer system that maps out our direction!  We just have to trust in him!! 

So friends...what do you think?  Baby, or no baby? 

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